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देवो भव:

Registered Trade Mark No.3552166 date 19 May 2017 J. No. 1805 In respect of Legal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals.

Ajay saxena

Digambar Bhaguram WaghamareKeshav

JanaBai Baban RathodAnna

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Uttam Krishnaajay sir 9820440676

Today’s agenda

Are the tasks on today’s agenda worthy of our life?

Am I sure today; not committing CRIME of Carrying Relatively Insignificant Mission every day?

We cannot control contour of our face but we can control it’s expressions.

We cannot control the weather but we can control the atmosphere of our mind.

There is never a bad weather but bad clothing; which is entirely in our control.

We have brain in our head
We have feet in our shoes
We can navigate ourselves
In any direction we choose

About author: Ajay Saxena

Business sustainability expert programmer, inventor; Founder:


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