SOP for Human Resource executive (Eco-Angel) B

SOP for Human Resource executive (Eco-Angel) B
Apart from the IIOWC 01 standards of operation, IIOWC 02 rules of privacy; following 17 standard operative procedures (SOP) are here to effectively collaborate with the company.
Recruitment Process
1.1 Make more than 100 successful calls daily to potential candidates.
1.2 Review and scrutinize application forms filled by candidates.
1.3 Shortlist candidates based on their applications and personality.
1.4 Conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates.
1.5 Background verification checks
a) Employment Verification:
- Send email/telephone verification requests to the candidate's previous employer(s).
- Confirm job title, dates of employment, and reason for leaving.
b) Education Verification:
- Send email/telephone verification requests to candidate's classmate or friend from their educational institution
- Confirm academic performance, qualities.
c) Social Media Verification:
- Request URLs/links to candidate's social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook).
- Review profiles for consistency and professionalism.
1.6 Verify academic documents.
1.7 Send Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) form to selected candidates.
1.8 Send RES to selected candidates to familiarize them with job responsibilities.
1.9 After the candidate completes and clears the initial test i.e RES , and you're satisfied with their understanding of the resource sheet, the next step would be to extend an offer letter.
After the candidate accepts the offer letter, you should send a Welcome Email with:
Onboarding Process
2.1 Provide welcome emails with necessary information.
ID Creation Link: Provide a link to create their portal ID.
Company Resources: Share information about company resources.
2.2 Assist candidates in creating portal IDs and accessing company resources.
2.3 Conduct onboarding training. Explain job responsibilities, daily targets, and expectations.
2.4 Monitor actual performance, daily activities with the help of their portal and reporting sheets; checking & registering daily attendance of team; update accordingly the Payroll,
2.5 Monitor and check candidates' sheets daily.
2.6 Keep documentation of every interaction, for sake of transparency and fairness. Via entry in the portal and Or in the sheet
2.7 Fire non performing candidate by way of 1 warning 2 show cause 3 termination
2.8 Resolving queries, and grievances as per policy and documentation.
3. Additional Responsibilities
3.1 Post job advertisements on various portals.
3.2 Source candidates through X-ray search,.
3.3 Collaborate with placement coordinators of educational institutes to hire talent from their institutions.
3.4 Update job descriptions as needed.
3.5 Ask for referrals after each interview or call.
3.6 Track your:
KPI: The Number of Districts filled by suitable Eco-Detective
KRA: Number of Eco-Detective who completed their probation period successfully
3.7 Other necessary activities to achieve and outperform the targets.
4. The window of probation is an opportunity to create a great CTC, but if a candidate is involved in cheating, he is axing their own chance of getting some prestigious package (and liable to have a fever on day 43/57/87 onwards.)
5. The presence of BDE will be valid if all 31 activities have been done on that day completely with the quality they assured in their job application form on the 26 counts of IIOWC code of conduct and privacy.
6. But if they are cheating by performing partial work on any day, it will be equivalent to no work on that day. That's why we should not retain them (such a cheating person) for even 8 days with us.
7. We must emphasize in the onboarding process, what we assume as cheating and what are the consequences of it.
8. After seeing any such incident of less than 31 entries first time the HRE should raise a warning to the candidate. At the second incident of such type, give him a show cause notice. After getting the third incident of such type, the candidate must immediately be terminated.
9. Communication, Self assessment, Resource Coloring and other reporting in the Sheets / at site must be done Daily By daily-cutoff time; 8.00 PM.
10. Missing to add the report on a daily basis will be considered absent from the work and it will impact your Stipend/Pay accordingly.
11. You are entitled for four delayed daily reports; with a maximum interval of 48 hours; in a month.
12. Hard Copy of Expenses Sheet with all bills, receipts, tickets, vouchers must be submitted by speed post/by some reliable courier; so it would reach the office by 15th of coming month.
13. Pay day is the 7th of every month you must ensure you added correct bank details in the form.
14. Work expenses & allowances reimbursement will happen on next month's 21st day.
15. Actual onboarded Eco-Detectives of whom Mission Associate(MA) and Authorized Enrollment Associates(AEA) started enrollments of students in the probation period will be counted for your post probation period CTC purpose.
16. Your hiring and onboarding target for the first two months is more than three recruits (Psychology Graduate/BBA/MBA) or more than ten “Any other Graduate” recruits who fully started working. Adherence to our Social media policy, SCRIPT, Candidate Rejection Criteria Post Onboarding Compliance and Performance Documents are compulsory. Read and understand them properly. The job commencement date would be the date on which you entered your updated SM profile on your communication sheet.
17. Take a printout of this and stick it at the eye height upon the wall in front of your sitting space.
इस मानक संचालन प्रक्रिया (स्टैंडर्ड ऑपरेटिंग प्रोसीजर) से वेरिएशन के जवाबदार आप रहेंगे।
कंपनी आपको उसकी स्क्रिप्ट तोते जैसे बोलने और पूरी प्रक्रिया संचालित करने के लिए स्टाइपेंड देती है। यदि आप तोते जैसे स्क्रिप्ट नहीं सुना सकते, तो फिर कंपनी आपको क्यों स्टाइपेंड देगी? और क्यों रिटेन करेगी?
आपकी जॉइनिंग के पहले हफ्ते में लगातार तोते जैसे इसका प्रयोग कर परिणाम लाना है।
इस सप्ताह के अनुभव के बाद अगले सप्ताह के प्रारंभ से अपना दिमाग लगाकर उसमें सुधार करना है।
उस स्क्रिप्ट में सुधार कर, मैना जैसा गाना बनाकर सुनाने के लिए, जिससे आपका ऑडियंस मोहित होकर आपको परिणाम दे; कंपनी आपको इंसेंटिव देती है।
यदि आप मैना जैसे गाकर परिणाम लाना शुरू कर देते हैं, तो कंपनी आपको स्टाइपेंड भी देगी; और परिणामों के सापेक्ष इंसेंटिव भी देगी।
यह आपकी चॉइस है, की आपको मिले हुए इस स्वर्णिम अवसर का; आप कैसे उपयोग करें?
और अपना सीटीसी कैसे ऊँचा बनाएं?