देवो भव: Devo Bhav®

Together we will make our nation wealthiest in the world.
Why does Devo Bhav salutation desired today?
Can we see by watching the video the after-effects of bowing?
That is happened with us till today.
Now watch this video if we became Dene Wala (giver of food, love and hug)
What could be the result?
In this scenario we can rule even the biggest powerful creature of the world.
That is why we should start Devo Bhav salutation from today.
Call me
Call me Devo Bhav.....!
Let's find a better way to benefit both of us.
It is our duty; to build a better future, for all of us...
So we will be proud for our newly created legacy and being an Indian.
What does it mean by Devo Bhav? Or for what is devobhav.com
If we see the current global situation of humans, we see
More than 93% of adults in Africa own less than USD 10,000, and 95% of adults in India fall in this range. Meanwhile, the fraction is 62% in China, 45% in Europe and 27% in North America. On the other hand, 25% of adults in Europe and 40% in North America have wealth above USD 100,000. The wealth distribution in both Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region closely resembles the pattern in the world as a whole, and both regions show more than 70% of all adults owning less than USD 10,000.
The major cause of this is the majority of the population still tied with a dogma of living in paucity, chanting and clapping of few con artists or in other words superstars.
They may be demigods or persons promoted by propaganda experts.
We have enough leaders of various fields, who want you to remain poor, debt-ridden, sick, and fearful, subsidy/ reservation/ employment beggar.
Because of the habit ingrained in the minds of the most population; destiny for most of the persons remains in the hands of very few influencers like a mafia, pirates, politicians, bureaucrat, sinecure, gods, gurus, fathers, or irresponsible greedy business tycoons.
What are we doing?
When someone ask us how are you? We are just used to tell them fine.
Had we thought about the pollution around us? Debt upon:
our family,
our municipality,
our state government,
our central government?
Had we checked the health of our near and dear ones?
Had we asked our mother what is their hidden expectations from us?
Had we asked from our spouse or kids what are their dreams?
Are we wealthier than Bill Gates or Warren Buffett?
We just tell without thinking; we are fine.
And to whom we are lying; just our well-wisher; who really asked about our situation. He or she may be our friend, relative, co-worker, colleague, fellow traveller or just a plain accomplice.
By this type of lying routinely what we are promoting in our society??
Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Hypocrisy?
Why such Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Hypocrisy?
Just to remain static in our cocoon of a paltry comfort zone. Just like a frog in the pan filled with water heating slowly and causing slow but assured death in the pan.
We may tell everybody had to die in his or her life.
Ok agreed.
But had we not died several times already morally; when we bribed someone at traffic square, clerk at some government office, to an education mafia for some admission, to a job mafia for some employment or promotion, doctor to have an examination at home for our near or dear one or to a consultant in the name of ….
Now consider the situation of India.
According to government data, we have population of this nation on 30th September 2010 in various age groups as follows
Age Persons
7 24826640
8 26968373
9 23424638
10 30552107
11 24740946
12 27877307
13 24280683
14 25258169
15 25899454
16 24592293
17 21217467
18 27958147
19 20859088
20 28882735
Total 357338047
This data shows that in the 13 to 26 years age group in 2016 we have here youth population more than the entire population of united states.(to be precise 110% of entire population of the US)
The mouth of an adult contains 32 teeth around one tongue
Our nation contains 85 crore adults In 32 Lac Square Kilometre
Currently, approximately Electricity costs @Rs2.5 per unit,
Water @10 paisa per litre and Gold 2800 per gram or Rs. 28 lac per kilogram
The combination of time + Nature and surrounding situation called Ecosystem
Nature had given in last 365 days to each adult capturable
Sun energy 10 lac unit
10 lac unit X 2.5= Rs.25 lac
Water 30 lac litre
30 lac X 10 paisa per litre =Rs.3 lac
Rs.25 lac+ Rs.3 lac= Rs. 28 lac
In other words
Nature sent to each adult
Pure gold bricks of one kilogram
Via sunshine and rain to
Every Indian adult
Nature still giving the sunshine
Will also give rain
So by becoming aware of our surroundings and behaving in a sensible manner we end up in the territory of the abundance of wealth for everyone.
In this situation if we consider in next 6 to 7 years if this youth became the donor in place of a recipient of wealth; what will happen?
We have around 17 crore young couples capable enough to support a family of about ten members.
This will in turn support a population of 170 crores in supreme luxuries with the abundance of food, recreation, entertainment, other physical, sociological luxuries of the world.
Here we can salute our fellows DevoBhav (Become Giver देने वाला बानो) by making them aware of their surroundings.
Who can become a Giver?
Only a wealthy person can become a Giver.
But who is wealthy?
He or she, who possesses wealth, is wealthy.
But what is wealth?
A mathematical formula describes wealth = {(self respect + self pride + self reliance + commitment + knowledge + focus + passion + chastity) X enthusiastic activity} X (greed - need)
But what is need?
If we have NOT, what we need; we are needy.
What is greed?
If we have more than we need, but cannot share it, than we are greedy.
So again who is wealthy?
If we have anything, more than we need, and we are ready, to share it; we are wealthy.
Why does Devo Bhav salutation desired today?
Due to our ancestors slavery of several generations we think we are born to bow (Namaste). But If we see our heritage of 2000 generations we were never bowed in front of anyone (except our parents) except for the last 70 generations.
Would you please start from today saluting your fellows by Devo Bhav?
Would you mind to share this with your social network?
Being a Bhartiya it is my personal goal to mentor 20 million entrepreneurs who will "make multi million for themselves" so that the economy of the country which is now about 2 trillion; will reach to 20 trillion mark.
Is this really possible?
The founder of ford foundation and Ford Motor Company; Henry Ford, who developed or shattered several nations and cities in previous century told several times that
'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.'
Take an example:
Most grandparents in our country, when brings one Bride for their grandkids (Nati in Hindi) in home thinks and believe in an idea of; “having a male child from the womb of the newly wedded bride” to continue their heritage (lineage).
Because of that thinking and our belief; today we are 17.86% population of the world living in less than one percent of world’s surface.
Neither any animal species live in slavery of their fellows nor are humans evolved naturally for that. (Except followers of pirate system of economy)
So the habits inculcated in us in our last six to seven generations; should be on the top priority to be broken today by us.
That is why I believe if you are in the age group of 14 to 110 years I have something for you, so a million could be made by you 2018 onwards.
Join the launch of Eco Bharat by finding something useful from there, as per your current circumstances; as well as which match with your aspirations for the near future.
Ajay Saxena
Devo Bhav® salutation initiative
I am waiting here for the good fortune of YOU & the entire humanity.