I Ajay Saxena son of Shri Dwarika Prasadji Saxena born on November 18th, 1966, being with a sound mind and in my excellent state of health, prepared my will and testament for this document. After my demise from the planet earth my entire property should be distributed in the following way.
1. One percent of the total value will go to my family (parents, grandparent, brother, sisters).
2. Five percent to my extended family of adopted kids for their upbringing up to the 18th year of life in a manner prescribed by me in my GuruAalay® blog.
3. One percent will go to my friends and relatives.
4. One percent will equally be divided In the Proportion of it on how much time of my life I enjoyed personal services rendered by them in my overall life.
4.1 To the Food supplier
4.2 Hairdresser
4.3 Tailor
4.4 Laundryman
4.5 Maintainers of my personal and official gadgets
4.6 Drivers, pilots and their support staff
5. One percent will go to their individual staff dealing with me equally divided In the Proportion of it on how much time of my life I enjoyed services rendered by them.
5.1 Hosting provider
5.2 Communication provider
5.3 Utilities provider
5.4 Packing, shipping and Transportation provider
5.5 Proofreaders
5.6 Editors
5.7 Printer and allied workers
6. One percent will go to Consultants who advised me for anything; inclusive doctors who informed me that within six months I am going to die.
7. One percent will go to the property owners who sold me/rented me or leased me their properties.
8. One percent to the vendors and manufacturers who supplied anything to me.
9. One percent will go to Contractors who worked for me.
10. One percent will go to all my clients who ever gave me their jobs to execute.
11. One percent to all the workers and employees who worked diligently for me and my companies.
12. One percent will go to the candidates & vendors to whom I interviewed personally.
13. One percent will go to the designers who designed for me
14. One percent will go to the observers who involved in the; observation, review and feedback process for me
15. One percent will go to the entrepreneurs who started ventures under my guidance.
16. One percent will go to the organizations, foundations, associations of open source software, tools, facilities, intelligence which I ever used.
17. One percent will go to writers of the books which I read and signed with the date and creators of videos which I viewed and endorsed.
18. One percent will go to the persons and media platform owners (including social media) which I used or they covered, liked, promoted and published my creations.
19. Two percent will go to local government where the major part of my life I belonged.
20. Three percent will go to the state government of the state where my most part of life I enjoyed.
21. Six percent will go to the central government of the nation where I enjoyed most of my life.
22. Two percent will go to the other country's governments where I had ever; visited in my lifetime.
23. Two percent will go to the Master franchise of any of my brands and all Eco-Angel (इको-राज्य-प्रेक्षक या संक्षेप में इकोप्रेक्षक)
24. Three percent will go to the Franchise of any of my brands and all Eco-Evangelist (इको-प्रसारक या संक्षेप में इकोरक)
25. Fifteen percent will go to Sub Franchises of any of my brands and all Eco-Ambassador (इकोदूत)
26. Forty-five percent will go to the Eco Award Foundation Along with all my registered brands becoming permanently non sell able as naked brands; will be owned by Eco Award Foundation and managed by the suitable professionally managed companies; taking independent directors from logarithmic-ally elevated leaders of Eco Award Associations of respective geographical areas.
27. The IDBI Bank should manage entire funds.
28. The administration of point one to Four should be managed by the Eco Award Foundation.
29. The administration of point five to twenty-six should be managed by the Eco Award Associations of those geographical areas.
30. All my physical body parts should be harvested before burning my remaining useless body. The parts should be managed by science museum for scientific studies and research. The expenditure of this entire activity will be financed by the eco award foundation.
Place: Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Pin: 400614 Date: July 15, 2014
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