9. Onboarding guideline

HRE Onboarding:
First hour;
Onboarding guideline: following things must be done in the first hour of the Onboarding
Bring your professionally clicked headshot, like a passport photograph.
Use this photograph at 1. company portal https://hub.ajaysaxena.in/user/register user account, 2. ecoghar_google account; and if your role is HRE than at 3. https://ajaysaxena.in/user/register and update all your public profiles 4,5,6 (at >three different social media platforms) with your current status, role, and mission. It's essential to reflect the company's mission on your profiles. Our mission 2025 is available here: https://www.ecoghar.com/home/2025.
Create Gmail Account: in the format: your name[Last 3 digits of mobile number]ecoghar@gmail.com. Like “abc123ecoghar@gmail.com
Create a Folder in your above new google account’s Drive:
Name it in your full name_your role (like abcd_HRE) This folder will serve as the central repository for all your EGLPL related documents.
Share this folder with ecoghar@gmail.com by giving Editor permission and ticking Notify people checkbox.
Create following (ABCDE) Subfolders in it:
A. Audio: Create Subfolders in it:
Cold call
Store all audio files in respective folders.
All audio files must be saved in mp3 format.
Rename them in this way: ###_name of person.mp3 (### is serial number 001, 002, onwards like 099, 100, 101, etc).
B. Expenses: Keep track of all expenses related to your candidacy, including receipts and invoices.
C. Intellectual Property: Save all the creations here whatever you created or contributed in creating a policy, doc, sheet, presentation, or other content; making and saving them in relevant subfolders.
D. Study: Create Subfolders in it:
Books I Read: Keep a record of books you've read, refer SOP for book reading.
E. My Goal:
Second hour;
Following information must be assimilated by the new joiner in the second hour of the their
See, the job of the Human Resource Executive is to find an Eco Detective candidate in every district of the Hindi speaking states of India, appoint him, and get work done from him.
The number of Eco Detectives hired and employed by the HRE during the 2 month probation period and their educational qualification will determine the future CTC of that HRE.
The job of the Eco Detective is to go to the field. Meet more than 6 people daily. And find a person who wishes to earn as much as a briefcase full of bundles of 500 rupee notes annually.
As soon as such a person is found, give him a user ID on the company's portal as a Mission Associate and then get him to do bank transactions 1499 or 14990 as per the scheme; as per the Mission Associate's capacity.
The Eco Detective is responsible for authorizing more than one Mission Associate in every town within the boundary of his district. We call a town a town whose population is more than 3000 as per the 2011 census.
The number of months taken by an Eco Detective to make more than 90 Mission Associates in his district will determine his CTC.
After making a Mission Associate's User ID, he will get one month's time in which if he enrolls more than three students, his User ID will become permanent but if he is unable to enroll three students in the first month, his User ID will be cancelled and the Eco Detective will have to find another Mission Associate in that town.
The Mission Associate will be given honorarium at the rate of one percent per enrollment, based on the number of students enrolled by each Mission Associate in the first 30 days; after the student successfully completes the course.
The honorarium rate will be between a minimum of three percent and a maximum of 30%. That is, if there are three enrollments then 3% and if there are 30 enrollments then 30% or in between 10, 12, 15, depending on the enrollments, that much is 10, 12, 15%.
Point#3 to 9 is for Eco Detective’s Onboarding.
Third hour: Following information must be assimilated by the new joiner in the third hour of the their Onboarding:
Understand the reporting workbook:
In our communication sheet apart from the date column we have a dropdown for Read, Understood, Confused, Acted upon it and Yet to review.
If we select in that column:
Read; it denotes that we just read the message but are not interested in it.
Understood; it says that we understood the message fully.
Confused; says that we are Confused about the message and the initiator of that message must elaborate instantly by calling or by any other means.
Acted upon it; says that we understood the message and Acted upon it fully.
Yet to review; says that we have Yet to review the message because right now we have something more important at hand.

Consistent or many “Read” denote you are not seriously involved in active communication, may also not be interested in the job at hand.
Consistent or many “Understood” denote you are not seriously interested in executing the task conveyed.
Consistent or many “Confused” denote you are seriously involved in active communication, may need more clarification to move ahead quickly.
Consistent or many “Acted upon it” denote you are seriously involved in active execution, and interested in taking bigger responsibilities up to the level of CEO.
Consistent or many “Yet to review” denote you are not seriously involved in active communication, may also not be interested in the job at hand.
In the Schedule sheet, fill the yellow blanks:
Telephonic Conversation with the company



At the portal in your user page refer “Welcome Eco-Angel for your work from home Job: Day1”’s point # 4 to 6. After completing those tasks edit the Goal sheet (#7 of Welcome page). Now finish task #8.
It is of utmost importance that you take the snap of a major portion of your front walls and share those images in the folder My Goal (in your drive folder E). Remember the images must be crystal clear and can be read easily.
The RESources sheet contains over 60 references. Please review these within your first week to gain a foundational understanding. This knowledge will be crucial for your success during probation and will help you achieve the highest possible compensation package after your probationary period. Remember to put the date of consuming and assimilating that row's material by you in column A.
Without completing these three basic tasks, don't move any forward. Check if all these are completed fully, then and only then; start helping them understand; how to fill entries from the links of Add content at the portal. (https://hub.ajaysaxena.in/node/add)
If you have any doubts please use the form, to raise your question; which is available at every JD page> from the bottom of FAQ at our sites.
If there is anything specific you'd like to know more about to be successful in this position ask them here.

देखिए हुमन रिसोर्स एग्जीक्यूटिव का काम है कि भारत के हिंदी भाषी प्रदेशों में से हर जिले में एक इको डिटेक्टिव प्रत्याशी ढूंढने का, उसे अप्वॉइंट करने का, और उससे काम निकालने का।
एचआरई 2 महीने के प्रोबेशन पीरियड में जितने इको डिटेक्टिव हायर करके काम पर लगाएंगे, उनकी संख्या के व उनकी शैक्षणिक योग्यता के आधार पर उस hre का भविष्य का सीटीसी बनेगा।
इको डिटेक्टिव का काम है की फील्ड में जाए। प्रतिदिन 6 से ज्यादा लोगों से मिले। और ऐसा व्यक्ति ढूंढे जिसको 500 के नोटों की गड्डियों से भरे ब्रीफकेस जितना सालाना कमाने की ख्वाहिश हौ।
ऐसा व्यक्ति मिलते ही उसे मिशन एसोसिएट के तौर पर कंपनी के पोर्टल पर यूजर आईडी बना कर दे और फिर उससे बैंक ट्रांजैक्शन करवाये 1499 या स्कीम के अनुसार 14990; जैसी मिशन एसोसिएट की क्षमता हो।
इको डिटेक्टिव पर अपने जिले की सीमा के अन्दर, हर कस्बे में एक से अधिक मिशन एसोसिएट ऑथराइज करने का दायित्व है। कस्बा हम उसे कहते हैं, जिनकी आबादी 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार 3000 से ज्यादा हो।
इको डिटेक्टिव अपने जिले में 90 से अधिक मिशन एसोसिएट बनाने में जितने महीने लगाएगा, उसके अनुसार उसका सीटीसी निश्चित होगा।
मिशन एसोसिएट के यूजर आईडी बनाने पर उसे एक माह का समय मिलेगा जिसमें यदि वह तीन से अधिक स्टूडेंट इनरोल करता है तो उसका यूजर आईडी परमानेंट हो जाएगा पर यदि वह तीन स्टूडेंट पहले माह में नहीं दे पाया तो उसका यूजर आईडी खारिज हो जाएगा और इको डिटेक्टिव को उस कस्बे में दूसरा मिशन एसोसिएट ढूंढना पड़ेगा।
हर मिशन एसोसिएट के पहले 30 दिनों में जितने स्टूडेंट इनरोल होंगे, उनकी संख्या के आधार पर मिशन एसोसिएट को, प्रति इनरोलमेंट एक प्रतिशत की दर से मानदेय दिया जाएगा; स्टूडेंट के कोर्स सफलतापूर्वक समाप्त होने के पश्चात।
मानदेय की दर न्यूनतम तीन % से अधिकतम 30% के बीच में रहेगी। अर्थात यदि तीन एनरोलमेंट होते हैं तो 3% और 30 एनरोलमेंट होते हैं तो 30% या बीच में 10 12 15 जितना एनरोलमेंट होगा उतना 10 12 15%।