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देवो भव: Devo Bhav®

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Call me Devo Bhav.....!

Let's find a better way to benefit both of us.
It is our duty; to build a better future, for all of us...
So we will be proud for our newly created legacy and being an Indian.

What does it mean by Devo Bhav? Or for what is devobhav.com

If we see the current global situation of humans, we see


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क्या किसान आत्म हत्या का हल सम्भव है, और यदि है तो कैसे

क्या किसान आत्म हत्या का हल सम्भव है, और यदि है तो कैसे

भारत के राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकॉर्ड ब्यूरो (एनसीआरबी) के आंकड़ों के मुताबिक पिछले 20 वर्षों में देश में

औसतन हर 36 मिनिट में एक किसान आत्महत्या का मामला दर्ज हुआ है.

दूसरे शब्दों में, जितनी देर में, एक नौकरीपेशा व्यक्ति, अपना लण्च खाकर निपटा, हर उतनी सी देर में, भारत के एक किसान ने आत्महत्या कर ली
यहां किसान और आत्महत्या दो अलग-अलग शब्दों का एकत्र प्रयोग होने से इसकी विकरालता सारे समाज को लपेट लेती है.


1. Birth finance
2. Business finance
3. Crop finance
4. Education finance
5. Franchise finance
6. Shaadi finance
7. Travel finance

My Vision of the world 2024

My Vision of the world 2024
Every kid born on the surface of the earth will be exposed to more than 400 living things within 100 steps of his birthplace before the fourth birthday.
After attaining the age of five-year; children live with one of the experts of 4000 live things, till his or her curiosity quenched completely.
After attaining the age of sixteen they volunteer at the most six different trades of life for 365 days.

What will India be like in 2030?

With almost 900 million active brains driven by immense positivity, we will care for 300 million senior citizens in supreme luxury.

That’s why they nurture us; there should not be any compulsion to make our kid slave of someone else. Why couldn't kids care for their own parents?
These parents are the biggest employer upon earth. No unemployment for centuries ahead.

Ajay Saxena’s vision 2116, just one more century.

What a wonderful scenario of 2116?

1. Most of us who are positive minded; will see our fourth generation than.
2. They after growing primary years with us up to their pre-teens will migrate to several of other planets discovered by us and developed by our third generation.
3. The height of sustainable process and systems are that that we at average 150 years of age stop consuming and wasting energy and live in mental state of supreme awareness. (No mobile handsets there)


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